Trishita Deb

Hypoglycemic Drugs Market
Trishita Deb is an experienced market research and consulting professional with over 8 years of industry experience. She has worked across a variety of domains including healthcare, consumer goods, and materials, with a primary focus on the healthcare sector. Throughout her career, Trishita has contributed to more than 400 healthcare-related reports, covering sub-domains such as pharmaceuticals, medical technology, healthcare IT, and clinical diagnostics.

Holding an MBA degree, Trishita's areas of expertise include people management and project management. She has further enhanced her financial acumen by completing an Advanced Program in Finance & Wealth Management.

With her deep industry knowledge and analytical prowess, Trishita is adept at delivering high-quality insights and solutions to her clients. Her diverse experience and multifaceted skill set make her a valuable asset in the market research and consulting field.

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